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#1772 African Tribal Art a Fine Old Lobi Stool or Head Rest Burkino Faso

#1772 African Tribal Art a Fine Old Lobi Stool or Head Rest Burkino Faso

Regular price $246.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $246.50 USD
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African tribal art
A fine old Lobi headrest Burkino Faso
This piece would have been used by a Lobi important man , with a handle The Stool would also have been used as a headrest for sleeping . The patina on the carrying handle and the seated part are very different indicating years of use . When the owner died the stool would have been ritually blessed and placed in the family shrine . As in many African animist cultures a man`s stool or headrest is the symbol of his soul. As a piece of tribal art that has seen a lifetime of use you could not find a better example.
9.25" w by 7.25" h by 4" d
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