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Ethnika Antiques

#6354 Vintage LG Blanc de Chine Meditating Seating Buddha 11" H

#6354 Vintage LG Blanc de Chine Meditating Seating Buddha 11" H

Regular price $562.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $562.00 USD
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Superb large Vintage Blanc de Chine Meditating sitting   Buddha 11" H with a serene Face  11" H by 9" w by 5.5"D 

The sitting Buddha is the most common representation of the Buddha. These Buddha statues can represent teaching, meditation, or an attempt to reach enlightenment. Hand gestures, or mudras, are essential in determining what a sitting Buddha means. For example, the  bhumisparsha mudra, or the position in which the Buddha rests his left-hand palm up on his lap and his right-hand palm down, fingers toward the earth indicates that the statue is calling the earth to witness.

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